Waggy Tails Groomers

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About Us

Animals, especially dogs, have always been my passion. From a young age I wanted to work with animals and undertook a variety of work experience placements between the ages of 16 and 18. One of these placements included a week at Petsmart (now closed) and a day in their grooming parlour. When I was 17 I started to get involved in animal rescue and at 18 I started a degree in Zoology but unfortunately this didn't lead me to the animal related jobs I had hoped for.

After passing my driving test I decided to go back to college. I undertook evening classes. As I am left handed I worried that perhaps this wasn't going to be a suitable career choice but I'm glad I decided to take a chance as I absolutely loved doing the course and grooming on the whole. I gained my Level 2 & 3 in Dog Grooming and am proud of my certificates. A big thank you to our teacher.

In September 2008 I started Waggy Tails Groomers, a mobile grooming business. After a steady start and with an initial client base that stayed with me throughout my college training, things are going from strength to strength and I now welcome back even more regular customers time and time again for an extra special pampering session.

As I am of petite build I do not have the physical strength to lift or control larger dogs. This is the reason my business is focussed towards small and medium sized dogs.

I currently balance my grooming with a full time admin job. This is the reason I only offer evening and weekend appointments at present. In the future I hope to be able to take on more grooming clients and start to offer appointments on week days also.


Phone:- 07544709181 Email:- waggy-tails@hotmail.com